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The woman behind the writing and the wheel

Recovering perfectionist. Avid adventurist. Over-analyzer. Competitor. Believer. Foodie and cook. List maker. Luddite.      Loyal friend. Mom of three. Writer. Author.


Oh, and, uh, aspiring race car driver.


When told I can’t do something, my internal voice says, “Watch me!” I’ve always been driven, both by nature and nurture. This belief in self-ability and Walt Disney-esque “if you can dream it, you can do it!” can be a dangerous place to park my soul, as it requires a heck of a lot of me-ism. And Jesus said if we want to follow Him, we must humble ourselves and lay down our lives for others. I want my life to matter because I first and foremost serve and love all people. At the same time, I also know God created me uniquely, as He did you, and there is a purpose for our passions, personalities, likes and dislikes. God wants to use those to point others to Him and give Him glory, and to stretch us and teach us.


My calling is speaking beauty and worth into the lives of girls and women. The Beautiful List novel is the culmination of four years of work to do just that. My passion is racing. Growing up, my dad taught me to love cars and learn a manual transmission before I had a license. It's not surprising that I jumped at the chance to attend a track event for my 40th birthday present. I was two weeks out of a cast from having my right lateral ankle reconstructed and begged my orthopedist to allow me to do it, explaining that the motion of accelerating and braking would essentially be the same thing as the PT I was undergoing. He acquiesced, and I have never felt more alive than I did that day. My soon-to-be ex-husband, Greg, knew I wouldn't pursue the hobby on my own, so he surprised me with my dream car the next year for our anniversary. It will probably always be the greatest material gift I'll ever receive. And he also gets credit for giving me the absolute best gift of all - our three children. When I'm not working on my second novel, fiction editing for Morgan James Publishing, or dreaming of being on track, I am mom to two incredible teens and a tween.


Born and raised in Fort Lauderdale, I’m a warm weather girl at heart unless I’m skiing, which – aside from being on a racetrack – I believe is the closest you can get to heaven on earth. I graduated from UNC Chapel Hill (long enough ago that I no longer reference the year) with a degree in Journalism and Mass Communication. I love to exercise, garden, and read, and with my family go adventuring and exploring anything new, especially outdoors. We live in the Washington, D.C. area.


If anything you've read inspires or excites you, please send me an email. I look forward to having you along for the ride.


Book a speaking engagement with Christine

I would be honored to share life with your girls' or women's group. Simply complete the contact form at the bottom of the page to get the ball rolling.


Topics I cover:


  • The Beautiful List book

  • Confidence in who God                         created you to be

  • Unique gifting

  • Being countercultural

  • Worthiness

  • Beauty

  • Motherhood trials

  • Marriage


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