Unwavering within
My goal is to speak truth into the lives of women and girls who don’t yet grasp or perhaps simply waver about how beautiful and worthy they are just as they are. Let me be clear: we all waver.

In a way that’s unique from everything else in all creation, like the Grand Canyon, a sitting lion, a soaring eagle — you, right where you are sitting, are a reflection of the beauty of God.
— David Platt
I know what it's like to strive to measure up against an infinite measuring stick of worthiness and allure. In fourth grade, I was filling out more than I was growing up, and
I became very self-conscious about it.
To fix the "problem," in fifth grade I decided to stop eating breakfast. (Oh I wish I could go back to my 10-year-old self with over-hair-sprayed bangs and share what I know now.) Thus began a long stretch of years in my life where I seriously misunderstood food and nutrition. Growing up where people wear bathing suits year-round doesn't help self image much. But I’m here to share a little secret I've learned over the years: God is an expert on imperfect and He loves each of us right where we are, as we are. If you don't believe that, I hope I can change your mind. And if I can't, I at least hope that you find nuggets of encouragement for your heart here. We all have talents and gifts that make us uniquely able to serve a purpose on earth. As I attempt to glorify God with mine, I want to be authentic with you as I face my fears and encourage you to do the same. I want to meet you in the middle of the scary work because we are all breathtaking works of art in progress, made in the image of God.
Speaking of works in progress, I’m in the middle of two:
1. Publishing a book for tween girls called The Beautiful List that addresses head-on the very pressures I mention above for girls ages eight to 12, and
2. Pursuing my newly-discovered passion of car racing.
I am sharing these unfinished works for a few reasons. Primarily, if I'm being honest, the literary agent I want to work with to get my book published suggested I create a website and put myself "out there" as a fiction author. (Hello, world!) But also, I historically blogged at peeinpeace.com, where I wrote about the challenges, trials and lessons of early parenthood. As my kids have aged, it's become more important to protect their privacy and I've struggled with how much of them to share openly online. It is time for me to "grow up" in my non-fiction writing and change course a bit. And finally, I really hope to inspire girls and women to pursue their talents and passions. If one girl tries karting or gets on a race track because of me, there will be purpose to all I'm forcing myself to learn about social media and websites. And if I have to self-publish my book, I'll do that, too.
I'll admit right now that sometimes I'm scared and I have "ugly days" when I can't motivate myself or simply don't want to stick my neck out. Truly, who on earth cares about me and my little life? Plus, it seems so self-promoting, so prideful - and these are things I don't want to represent. I'm taking this risk in order to help others know their worth and beauty, too, through the lens of a loving Father. So welcome! Please make yourself at home. I hope you are inspired by what I believe you'll find here: unwavering faith and courage for your journey.